Mike's Mission Data

On this page, you can see the major data used by my mission presidents for assignments as well as pictures of the two presidents that I served under.  Click on the "yellow card (tarjeta amarilla)" to go to my various area pages.

This is the "tarjeta amarilla" or yellow card, which was used by my mission presidents to determine the assignments that were given to me.  Click on one of the city names, or a companion name to see some pictures and more information.

Symbol definitions:

- me = Junior Companion (Companero Menor)
- MA = Senior Companion (Companero Major)
- PR = Branch President (Presidente de Rama)
- LD = District Leader (Lider de Distrito)
- LZ = Zone Leader (Lider de Zona)
- LZr = Senior Zone Leader (Lider de Zona Responsable)
- + = Trainer (Entrenador)

Pictured here (from left to right) are: President Fransisco J. Vinas, the first president of the Argentina, Salta Mission, and now a member of the First Quorum of Seventy; Elder Gurrea, from Buenos Aires; Elder Hernandez, from California; Elder John H. Groberg, of the First Quorum of Seventy, then a member of the South America, South Area Presidency; Elder Lewis, (but you already knew that); and Elder Martin, my third companion, from Buenos Aires.


Pictured here (from left to right) are: Sister Aguilar, Sister Mickelsen, Yep... it's me again, Elder Woolwine, President Daniel Aguilar, and Elder Lynn A. Mickelsen, of the First Quorum of Seventy.


Picture Pages: 
  • At a Glance
  • First Area: Palpala
  • Second Area: La Banda del Rio Sali
  • Third Area: Joaquin V. Gonzalez
  • Fourth Area: Santiago del Estero
  • Fifth Area: San Ramon de la Nueva Oran
  • Sixth Area: Hipolito Yrigoyen

    Last Updated -- 12 April 2007