Mike's Second Area:
La Banda del Río Salí

La Banda del Río Salí was my second and only area in the province of Tucumán.  I consider this area to be the pivotal area of my mission.  It was the most instructive, most faith-promoting, and most productive areas of my mission.  As a result, you'll notice that I've included more photos on this page than any other mission page.

In 1990, Italy was host to the largest sporting event for the world's most popular sport--soccer, or fútbol, in Spanish.  That year, Argentina overcame a first-game loss to first-time World Cup participant, Cameroon in a most humiliating defeat.  Down, but not out, Argentina would stage a comeback that would propel them into the final match with another two-time World Cup winner, Germany.  This picture demonstrates the enthusiasm of the Argentine people just moments after Argentina eliminated host Italy in a dramatic, penalty-kick overtime, semi-final match.  To this day, I enjoy watching the four-year tournament more than any other sporting event.

La Banda del Río Salí was one of the most memorable areas of my mission.  One reason was because I was there longer than any other area--6 months to be precise.  Another reason is because my companions and I had great success teaching the gospel to the people of La Banda.  The main reason, however, were the great members of the branch in that area, some of which are pictured here.

Characterisitic of the third-world economy that is Argentina, this shack is one of many in a "barrio" that align the polluted Salí River.  This was the home of a very humble family of four.  Working in the barrios was a very common part of my mission in nearly every area I served in.

The main economic driver of Northwest Argentina is sugar.  During the sugar harvest, these ingenios, or sugar cane factories, spewed out smoke and ash in amazing quantities.  We missionaries always kept eye drops on hand to rinse out the black ash that would gather in our eyelids while riding our bicycles around the area.  Sometimes, to appear presentable, we would change our ash-soiled white shirts twice a day.

Picture Pages:
  • At a Glance
  • First Area: Palpala
  • Second Area: La Banda del Rio Sali
  • Third Area: Joaquin V. Gonzalez
  • Fourth Area: Santiago del Estero
  • Fifth Area: San Ramon de la Nueva Oran
  • Sixth Area: Hipolito Yrigoyen

  • Last Updated -- 9 April 2007