Mike's Sixth Area:
Hipolito Yrigoyen

After serving as a zone leader for six months, I was nearing the end of my mission.  The APs (assistants to the President) asked me if I wanted to finish as a "zoni."  I told them that I absolutely did not.  I wanted to return to the rank and file of the proselyting missionary—teaching the people of Argentina, instead of handling the administrative matters of the mission.  So, they gave me my third "greenie" (brand new missionary) and a brand new area to open. 

The people of Hipolito Yrigoyen (pronounced ee-POE-lee-toe · ee-ree-GO-zhen) were very surprised to see us at first.  None of them had ever seen a Mormon missionary before, and they stared at us with amazement, wondering why on earth two pale-complected young men were wandering their streets dressed in slacks, white shirt, and tie!  After being offered a live interview by the local radio station, the people not only warmed up to us but found a place deep in our hearts.  Shown here were some of the first (and most prepared) investigators of the Church in Yrigoyen.

Even though it was a brand new area, the branch started with the 5 members of the Ola family.  Orignially members of the Oran branch, the branch split found them inside the Yrigoyen branch, and that was great, too, since they were pioneers of the Church in Northern Argentina.  At the time, Brother Ola was serving in the district presidency, so he possessed the leadership capabilities to establish the Church in this small outpost.
As the sun set on my mission, I was grateful to have the opportunity to finish in Yrigoyen.  It was another town of great people with great attitudes towards their brothers and sisters. Even without the Church in their area, they could sense that we are all one big family... children of our Heavenly Father.  Someday, I will have the opportunity to see this "extended family" of mine, and I will be grateful for the wonderful, heavenly reunion that it will be.
Picture Pages:
  • At a Glance
  • First Area: Palpala
  • Second Area: La Banda del Rio Sali
  • Third Area: Joaquin V. Gonzalez
  • Fourth Area: Santiago del Estero
  • Fifth Area: San Ramon de la Nueva Oran
  • Sixth Area: Hipolito Yrigoyen

  • Last Updated -- 9 April 2007