Career Page
Ok, so work isn't my favorite thing to do in
life... I'll admit that
fact up front. I much rather enjoy spending time with family and doing
all of the things I call fun in life. However, if I do have to work, at
least I enjoy the career that I have chosen for myself. I find digital
design a very challenging, fulfilling, and rewarding occupation. Below,
you can read about all of the technology employers that I have engaged
with. Click on the logos if you'd like to learn more about each company
(at least for those that still exist!).
In between my undergraduate program and graduate
school, I took a job
at a small engineering company in Fresno, as a test technician. I
returned goods, offered technical support on the telephone, and quality
assured products to be shipped , such as the KDA
unit and 16-channel
analog monitor expansion card pictured below. I gained a lot
of practical
experience such as soldering and cabling. It gave me good exposure into
the electronics industry.
![KDA 16 Channel Analog Monitor](kda.jpg)
prepare best
for my career, I took on a job as a hardware engineering intern for a
in Santa Barbara called Rockwell Network Systems. I gained valuable
in simulating and verifying a computer network interface chip--the
FDDI to PCI controller pictured on the board here. I knew I was earning
my pay when I found bugs in the design. Earning money really helped
and I stay completely debt-free through our last months in college.
![F-22 Fighter Jet](f_22.jpg) The first full-time job
of my career was at TRW’s Avionics
System Division in San Diego. I had opportunities to design
and verify
integrated circuit chips and help debug hardware/software problems on
circuit boards that contain communication, navigation, and
circuitry for the Joint
Strike Fighter
(left) and F-22
fighter jets. It gave me great pleasure to make this small contribution
to the defense of the US. Plus, I found it exciting to work on such a
product. It felt so good to have finally begun my career after the many
long years of college.
![West Bridge Antioch](antioch.jpg) My
longing for commercial experience has led me to my current employer,
Semiconductor. I work for the Computation & Consumer Division,
which designs
integrated circuit chips for the consumer electronics (e.g.
phones, PDAs) and computer peripheral (e.g. monitors, disk drives,
printers, keyboards,
mice, etc.) industries. I've had an opportunity to work on
several chips, like:
Other Information:
-- 12 April 2007