Suzanne's History

I have now lived three decades, or should I say survived three decades.  What I write here will have to be from memory since I am horrible about keeping a journal.  So if there are mistakes, blame it on faulty memory.
The Beginnings

I was born to Monty Ray and Cheryl Cristine Loyd on Tuesday, November 24, 1970.  That Thursday was Thanksgiving which my mother proceeded to prepare for the family.  I was the third daughter born in the family.  I was followed by another daughter, and then finally a son.  We lived in Fresno, CA until I was six years old.  Then we moved into a tiny travel trailer on the property in Tollhouse, CA while our home was being built.  Our home was a great two-story log home that was the first one to be built in Fresno County.  I loved growing up in a small rural community because it was so tight knit.  My elementary school went from Kindergarten to 8th grade.  My graduating class in high school was just under 200 students. 

Real Life

After graduating in 1989, I attended California State University of Fresno on a academic scholarship that I was fortunate to receive.  In 1990 my brother Rodney passed away at the age of 14 from primary pulmonary hypertension.  I took two years off from college to serve a mission in Argentina and finally received a BA in Liberal Studies.  I did my last semester at CSU Northridge, in Los Angeles because I married Michael Lewis in 1995.  He was just beginning his post graduate schooling at UC Santa Barbara.  The commute between Santa Barbara and Northridge was not fun, but luckily I only had to go two days a week.  Mike finished his Masters degree in December of 1996, and we moved to San Diego for his first real job.  In January of 1998 our first child, Amelia was born into our family.  In November of 1999, Raymond joined our family.  In January of 2000 my oldest sister Kelly passed away after suffering a massive aneurysm.  Fortunately they were able to deliver her unborn son, who serves as a great comfort to the family.  In 2004 we moved to Boise, Idaho and are enjoying our life there.


Life continues to have it's ups and downs.  In June of 2005 we had Trent Duvall join our family through the Idaho Foster Care system.  In October of 2006, Trent went to live with his aunt and uncle who are planning on adopting him.  In January of 2007, Isabella(18 months) and Bailey Shirley(7 weeks) came to live with us for awhile.  I continue to be busy with children and my calling as Primary President at church.   All in all life has been good to me.

Last Updated -- 18 April 2007