My first area outside of the city was San Nicolas. The apartment
here was a bit bigger, but there were anywhere from six to eight girls
living there at one time. With only one bathroom, it made it tough
to get everyone ready in the morning. In this area I rode a bike
for the first couple of weeks, until my poor companion crashed and broke
her foot. From then on it was buses for us. Riding a bike in
a skirt was a bit tricky. My poor skin blistered from sunburns, because
there is no shade on a bike. The countryside was beautiful.
It was at this time that I got to go to the temple in Buenos Aires pictured
here. My companions were Hna. Cortez of Cordoba, Arg., Hna. Trejo
of Tucuman, Arg., and Hna. Noguera of Misiones, Arg. I was there
for four months.
My last area was called Salto. I made a lot of good friends there.
The picture you see here is a memorial to one of Argentina's heroes, Pancho
Serra. These types of memorials are found all over Argentina.
The other photo shows you how humid it gets there. We cleaned the
mildew with water and bleach, but it didn't really help much. Quite
a different experience for a girl from dry central California. Other
unique experiences on the mission were washing clothes by hand, shopping
at several specialty stands instead of one supermarket, and not being able
to flush toilet paper. All of which really make you appreciate what
you have. I was there two months and had two companions in Salto.
Hna. Gonzalez of Mendoza, Arg. and Hna. Rivas of Rio Negro, Arg.
I am very fortunate to have been able to go on a mission. It
is like packing a lifetime of experiences in 18 months. It really
changed me and made me the person I am today.
-- 18 April 2007