Mike's Music Page

If I thought I could've made a career out of it, I would have majored in music at college.  There is no hobby that I have enjoyed more throughout my entire life than that of music.   I thoroughly enjoy listening to rock, pop, jazz, classical, and new age music.  Molded from a very early age, music has a become a very enjoyable part of my life.
Elementary School
My interest in music began in the first grade, thanks to a man named Brady Bridges.  He was the music instructor at Auberry Elementary School.  From the first to the fourth grades, he taught music to my class once a week.  He taught us basics, like clefs, the staff, pitches, scales, and notes.  We would sing simple songs as he played the melody on the guitar.  I always enjoyed the opportunity to go.  In the fifth and sixth grades we were given options of playing an instrument, singing in a choir, or no music at all.  I chose to learn to play the saxophone.  I brought the sax home a couple of days a week, which was no easy task, because I had to carry it over a quarter of a mile.  I remember how heavy it was for a child of my size, but I enjoyed playing it so much, that I didn’t mind.  I always paid attention to Mr. Bridges and applied his knowledge.  By the eighth grade, I was playing well enough, that Mr. Bridges asked me to play solos at some woman’s luncheon at school and at my graduation.  I still remember playing “My Cherié Amour” accompanied by Mrs. Bridges on the piano.

High School

At Sierra High School, I found the music program in shambles due to recent budget cuts.  However, the school hired Mr. Weinberger after the other music instructor left.  He worked miracles with the entire music program all by himself.  He helped expand in things Mr. Bridges taught me and a variety of new things too, such as aperture, embouchure, support, rhythm, intonation, articulation, instrumental blending, key and time signatures, scales, and other music theory, dealing with chordal progression, intervals, harmonics, and jazz improvisation.  I played in the marching , concert, and jazz bands.  The marching band became known for its comical field shows, utilizing kazoos and water-filled bottles.  In three short years, he created one of the best concert bands in the central valley from what had been an embarrassment.  The school never sponsored even a penny for the jazz band, so it never was able to progress adequately.  I was able to play in the all-county honor bands during my Junior and Senior years, and earned the John Philip Sousa Award in my Senior year as well.


At Fresno State, I played for my freshman year in the marching and jazz bands.  Marching band was very energetic and exciting.  We played at all of the home games, at the Rose Bowl for a UCLA vs. FSU football game, and at a game for the L.A. Rams.  It was very physically demanding and I lost fifteen pounds in my first semester of college as a result.


Favorite Classical Composers: 

Favorite Rock/Pop Artists: 

Favorite New Age Artists: 

Favorite Jazz Artists: 

Favorite Song:  "Bridge over Troubled Water" by Simon and Garfunkel 
Favorite Album:  "2112" by Rush
Favorite Symphony: Beethoven's 3rd Symphony (Eroica)
Favorite Concerto:  Rachmaninov's Second Piano Concerto
Favorite Musical:  "Evita" by Andrew Lloyd Webber


Music Links

I will always love listening to music.  As an indicator, I have all of my music bookmarks below.  This gives a taste of what the internet can do for music.  There are literally thousands of radio stations and internet broadcasts, like Shoutcast.  There is such a vast amount of music that can be heard on the internet, that we decided to take advantage of it by purchasing a wireless transmitter from X10 that pipes the music straight to our stereo system.

Last Updated -- 11 April 2007