Hidden Springs Geocaching    

When we first came up to Boise, somebody had told us about the Hidden Springs subdivision in the foothills above Boise.  We drove around during our house-hunting trip, but it just wasn't for us.  Later, we heard a high school student refer to it as "The Truman Show."  For those who have seen the movie, it is a great depiction.  Now don't get me wrong... we all loved The Truman Show, but we wouldn't want to live in it.  

Either way, Hidden Springs does offer some nice early-season hiking trails with views of the surrounding foothills, and some geocaching opportunities to boot.

  • Date:  

  • Location:  

Hidden Springs, ID

Raymond stands in front of a view of the Hidden Springs subdivision and the Treasure Valley in the far distance

GPS Info

We collected all of the following data from our GPS unit during the adventure:


This Google Map is provided by GPS Visualizer


Track #1:

This profile is provided by GPS Visualizer

    Track #2:

This profile is provided by GPS Visualizer

Coordinates and other details

  • Mileage:   
  • Time
  • Speed:
  • Coordinates:
3.5 Miles
1.75 Miles per Hour
N 43 43.525, W 116 14.869

  • Mileage:   
  • Time
  • Speed:
  • Coordinates:
1.1 Miles
0.9 Miles per Hour
N 43 44.378, W 116 13.568

If you would like to use this info with your GPS unit, the full GPX file is here.
If you want to view this in Google Earth, you can download the KMZ files of the track and topographic overlay.

Last Updated -- 10 November 2012